Mushroom Kingdom Fusion is still not 100% done yet as it is a pretty big game that more people are involved in the project making more characters and levels. It is still a Mario style game featuring various characters in diverse worlds. Here's a run of old school Mario (with NES Mario jump physics and power-ups) through Birabuto Bash, a level comprised of World 1 in Super Mario Land.
Remember an earlier post about a fan-made Streets of Rage IV, now its called Bare Knuckle IV, which makes sense since Streets of Rage is called Bare Knuckle at Japan. Here's some of the remixed music featured in the game as they try to make it as Genesis-y as possible. Don't forget that this is different from Streets of Rage Remake (version 5 is still not out and lots of additions are in that update).
And that's the latest in the fan-made gaming world for now (Well these are the games I have my eye on for a while anyway).
Off-topic UPDATE: My Spring Break is approaching soon and I'm still trying to figure a gaming plan for it. It consists of these titles:
- MadWorld
- Resident Evil 5
- Killzone 2
- Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
- 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
- WWE Legends of Wrestlemania
I have been setting my sights on MadWorld as my Spring Break game as it is awesome and a reason to finally play my Wii again (last time the Wii was seriously in rotation was Mega Man 9). RE5 and Killzone 2 are sure hits, but the last three are interesting picks. Then again, I might as well stick to Street Fighter IV since the Arcade Infinity 2.1 tournament is happening around that time and I should practice up. We'll see what happens, but at least a Legends of Wrestlemania demo will be out on PSN this Thursday so I'll check that out to see if it is worth it.