Thursday, April 24, 2008

Battle of the Bands (Wii) = A Weird Rhythm Game

While Rock Band is still my definitive rhythm game for now (even though the Def Leppard DLC for Guitar Hero III is okay stuff), there are probably will some stinkers that will try to take advantage of Harmonix's winning formula with Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

I never really paid attention to this awkward rhythm game, Battle of the Bands, for the Wii until I saw a commercial for it earlier this week. This is out now to buy for the Wii for a different twist on the rhythm games of today. Battle of the Bands is simply a cool concept of playing different versions of cult mainstream classics using different genres of music to spice things up. These YouTube videos are just examples of what this game brings to the table, but it is simply weird and random of a Spanish band rocking to Gorillaz's Feel Good Inc. and so on. I'm pretty sure the hardcore crowd won't appreciate this crap, but this is definitely designed for the casual audience (its only on the Wii). In the end, it is just THQ (who published this) trying to get a piece of that Guitar Hero pie and get some easy sales out of it, but I think it will flop hard. Then again, I might be underestimating the Wii casual audience and they will eat this up.

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