Saturday, April 12, 2008

Some new Street Fighter 4 tidbits and footage...

So I'm so still very excited for Street Fighter 4 (it is my #1 hyped game for a reason), but some new details that came out of the latest location test for the arcade version at Japan made me go a little nuts...

Supposedly, this new location test had more stages and 4 more characters playable. El Fuerte, the masked lucha-libre we knew about already, finally made his playable debut and this video shows why he could be a fun character to use (Well all lucha-libre type characters are kind of fun to use - El Blaze from Virtua Fighter 5 and La Mariposa from Dead or Alive 4). Watch out for his Ultra move as well because it looks like a move straight out of Ultimate Muscle (I liked that cartoon for a bit).

Another new character is revealed in this location test, which is Rufus. Rufus is some fat dude who does crazy things. This video below shows him in action, but not much. Nothing else was unveiled for Rufus at this moment compared to El Fuerte, but we will know something about him in the coming weeks maybe.

Lastly, word from the streets at Japan is that the four original bosses from Street Fighter II have reunited. We already know Balrog and Sagat are in SF4 from a previous location test, but Vega and M. Bison are also playable in Street Fighter 4. Bison alone in this game makes the story somewhat interesting to fans considering what happened to him about Super Street Fighter II Turbo. No screens or footage have surfaced yet for Vega and M. Bison (Claw and Dictator for the hardcore crowd), but eventually they might show up.

The excitement for Street Fighter 4 continues to rise for me. I don't care if I suck at this game to hang with the Evo-type competition, but I want to be good at it like the Tekken games. If this game ever sees a public playable debut, hopefully it is at the San Diego Comic-Con in July, but maybe at Evo 2K8 in Las Vegas in August (thanks to BronsonLee and SDTekken's MarkMan for putting out the videos on YouTube).

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