Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Begin these Clone Wars again... or not??

This Star Wars: The Clone Wars CG movie is coming out on August 15 and it is already getting written off by various sites and publications. Sure, its Star Wars and the hardcore fans will watch this in a heartbeat, but will disappointment strike again thanks to George Lucas? Many are predicting that this will flop critically because of Lucas's "crappy" work on Episodes I - III and the fact that these Clone Wars were better in that short stint on Cartoon Network with its animated style. Who knows if this CG version would be deja-vu for those who watched that cartoon before Revenge of the Sith came out, and if the general audience still cares about Star Wars, but I'm still checking this out to see more Star Wars or another train wreck. A new theatrical trailer is supposed to debut tomorrow on various Warner channels, so this post will be updated with that and my reaction until then.

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