Thursday, October 30, 2008

Free Running to the Extreme!!! Mirror's Edge Demo Impressions

A demo for Mirror's Edge is out on Playstation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace at about a GB of hard drive space which is basically a tutorial of the game's basics and the prologue level that was the first thing shown when first gameplay footage of the game surfaced earlier this year. The tutorial is a pretty good one is gets you familiar with the controls along with timed jumps and some combat stuff like weapon disarms (timing is key especially trying to do the cool ones. The prologue level can be done pretty fast after a few attempts which less than ten minutes or even five if you're good at the time trial for it (The time trial mode for the demo is only offered by pre-ordering the game to get a code to enter on the demo menus). After the demo ends of hanging on a helicopter just like the first gameplay video, another brief trailer is shown of the later levels and then some.

I totally believe that it is possibly a true breakthrough in first person gaming. It is unlike any other FP game you seen more specifically shooters even though Mirror's Edge has first person shooting elements. DICE has truly nailed the first person feel down as Faith being a free runner as momentum and speed matter when transversing the levels. The core gameplay seems solid based on the demo with the simple controls (it might be a little awkward pressing left bumper to jump compared to a face button at first) and running. The combat itself is okay, but you don't need that much of it to beat the demo unless you're going for weapon disarms against the 5-0. Being immersed in this first person perspective feels pretty good, but I can totally see the core gameplay getting repetitive later on other than going through alternate paths than the recommended red path. Another thing I'm hoping for in the final game is the levels having more variety other than the setting in which I think DICE will deliver on that end.

Graphically, Mirror's Edge is a stylish looking game with a futuristic-like city to jump around and the music (specifically the soundtrack - theme song in the video above) feels calm, moody, and soothing. Of course that soothness doesn't cut in when being chased by cops. There is no sense of slowdown based from the demo, but hopefully the environments stay fresh enough for the rest of the game.

I was on the fence with Mirror's Edge for a while, but after playing the demo, I can see why this game feels somewhat original as a first person game. I won't get it right away (the game is out on November 12th), but it is definitely in my December stash with Fallout 3 and Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. If you're in the same position like me considering buying the game, play this demo to get a feel for the core gameplay and determine it is something really cool to do compared to the other big releases out there. I can also see the game as this year's Assassin's Creed in terms of hype and success, but as long as reviews seem mostly good and EA's marketing push for it to do well since it is another new IP from them, then Mirror's Edge is worth checking out.

Off-topic: Another demo came out today on XBL Marketplace which is for Naruto Broken Bond. No detailed impressions other than it is another Naruto game and fans of the franchise (especially Ubisoft's last Naruto game, Rise of the Ninja) will like it keeping the cartoon faithful and the option for Japanese voices at the gate since you change them in this demo.

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