Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome to Heartbreak Indeed... Impressions of Kanye's new album

I have been listening to Kanye's 808s & Heartbreak lately (not really the final retail version, but close enough to it) and it is some amazing stuff if you appreciate the change Kanye is going for. I put up my current favorite track "Welcome to Heartbreak" here and there are some great songs like the singles that are out so far ("Heartless" and "Love Lockdown"), but I can see myself changing my favorite track to some of the others like "Paranoid" and "Robocop." First of all, this is a different change of pace for Kanye as he sings more than he raps and I do appreciate his effort for trying to mix it up. Plus, this whole album has auto-tune in some form in all of the songs. Basically, he went crazy with it and it worked out well with the theme of the album. Of course, his beats are awesome in most of the songs as he continues to find ways to innovate.

Overall, this is another great album for Kanye whether or not people will dig the auto-tune approach along with his singing.  It is definitely one of the better albums out this year by a long shot.

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