Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Fantasy Dissidia is out next week at Japan...

Final Fantasy Dissidia, the fighter/RPG mash-up of Final Fantasy characters, comes out for the PSP next week at Japan. This is definitely not your typical Final Fantasy game as pretty much every significant character from this legendary franchise is in the game in some way or another. Here's a Cloud / Sephiroth battle as an example of the fast and frantic fighting that Dissidia has with the infamous "One Winged Angel" song playing in the background. Also, it seems that signature moves are there in some capacity. Supposedly, the story mode takes 40 hours to beat on average, but those who want 100% completion can exceed 100 hours. As for a U.S. release of Dissidia, it is likely sometime next year (look how long Crisis Core came out between JP and US versions), but those who are willing to play it next week can since the PSP is region free.

1 comment:

Sasukedevil said...

I seriously wonder why they didn't make a PS3 game instead of PSP...or both. It would have been interesting...but the only drawback for me is that I don't have a PSP (oh I rhymed!) and I don't feel like wasting over $200 for a PSP and importing the game. Not really worth it...