Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The PS3 experience so far... Almost a week already

As I'm downloading Lumines Supernova off the Playstation Network (I do love Lumines), I might as well do a write up of my PS3 experience so far in terms of impressions of games that I can have now. I really don't have any plans to type up a long form review of them anyway (Lumines will be my first PSN game review - maybe WipeOut HD). Other than that, here's what I have so far.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - As the game that comes with the 160 GB PS3, I say its a pretty good choice as Uncharted is a showcase of what the system can do in terms of graphics and presentation. I just beaten it today on Normal and boy, what a great game that felt short and sweet. The presentation aspect of this game is just flat out beautiful from the amazing graphics (Naughty Dog did say that this game didn't use the PS3's full potential in terms of power, but they plan to with the sequel) and the awesome music. It felt playing through a movie with great characters like Nathan Drake, who is pretty awesome after playing this. The supporting cast is pretty good too with Elena and Sully. After playing the Gears games, I felt comfortable with Uncharted's cover-based gameplay with the gun combat. The melee combat is not bad and I would like to see it better for the sequel. Other than a few sketchy sections (I'm not a fan of the boat sequences and you have to stop and shoot), Uncharted is indeed one of the better games on PS3 even though it originally came out last year.

Pain - This downloadable game is free with the 160 GB bundle, so I did download it anyway. I don't see myself playing it seriously and it is a good diversion game to mess around. Its good for a few rounds of jacking your character up for high scores. I don't plan on buying any of the DLC like the movie studio and the amusement park.

Mortal Kombat II - I bought this one yesterday (hey its MK II for five bucks) and its good to keep around as an old-school game (it is the arcade version). Surprisingly, it looks pretty good on PS3 being arcade perfect and great borders surrounding the game screen. Of course, no one plays it anymore online as I just play the single player. I didn't remember the arcade version being too hard, but the A.I. in this port is pretty crazy and cheap. At least, its better than UMK3 and MK vs. DC Universe as for most people, MK II is pretty much the last good Mortal Kombat game (u can make a case for UMK3 however). Plus, what's up with the select button being pause?

SSFIIT HD Remix - I double dipped for this one since I still love this game. Yeah, the online play sucks compared to the XBLA version because the netcode is better and barely people play it when I play online, but everything else is better. The controls felt better with the Dual Shock 3 nailing moves as well as no sound issues compared to the XBLA version (read my XBLA version review if u don't know what I mean).

WipeOut HD - This is one of many reasons why PSN is better than Xbox Live Arcade if u compare to two of them in terms of quality. WipeOut HD is just amazing as I'm almost done with the campaign on novice (I haven't played online yet, but I will soon) and on the final stretch, the computer A.I. do step up to be competitive. No wonder this game is hard according to some people. I am playing with the assists on as I'm still a noob to this game, but I might as well take it off soon. It is also arguably one of the better looking PSN games out today and in general compared to any 360 game in existence. Zone mode is fantastic and beautiful as well as the soundtrack too. I'll be playing this one for a while.

Sonic Unleashed Demo - Yeah, I downloaded this again just to try out the demos portion of the Playstation Store and yes, this game still sucks whether you love Sonic or not.

That's it so far regarding my PS3 experience. Hopefully after Christmas, I'll have more to blog about like maybe LittleBigPlanet and Buzz Quiz TV (This will be my party game replacement for the rhythm games).

Plus, buy Singstar ABBA if u have Singstar.

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