Wednesday, March 26, 2008

50 Cent says hello to games again.....

Let's get this out of the way first: The background surrounding naming myself G Unit Ver1 is not because of I'm a fan of 50 and his crew, rather than being called G so many times, I just added in the Unit since it kind of made sense at the time. Then the Ver1 kicked in because I liked WWE's Matt Hardy's heel (Mattitude) gimmick with Version 1 on the end and giving facts about himself as he enters the ring. He should bring that back someday, but enough with that.

Since 50 Cent Bulletproof sold enough copies to be a "greatest hit" for the PS2, I guess Vivendi decides to try again for another game titled 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. MTV News has the official exclusive story and details on this one, but already we know it is probably going to suck like Bulletproof did horribly even though it sold a lot of copies by likely the name itself. According to the story and the first screenshots, it has Gears of War and Army of Two all over it and probably it won't be that bad of a decision for the developers to copy even though it will suck in some way (the game is using Unreal Engine 3). 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is currently targeted for a Fall 2008 release and will probably sell again because it is 50 and his products actually sell, but so far it is better than Bulletproof and that's all I can say about it being good.

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