Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Halo 3 just got more Black

The Legendary Map Pack DLC for Halo 3 has been set with all three maps revealed for the world to go crazy about. See anything similar in that screenshot above? Yeah, it is Lockout from Halo 2 in a different setting. Now called Blackout, this is a flat out remake of arguably the best map in Halo 2, which is now a oil rig in the middle of the ocean other than some random snow facility. While some Halo fanboys may miss the snow, just getting the map is good enough to me, but with equipment now. Bungie mentioned there is a bubble shield, regenerator, and a power drain around the place. They also mentioned changes in certain jumps to various spots of the map making some easier while others harder. I know I'm going to play Halo 3 for a bit again when April 15 comes around, but Blackout alone maybe makes the 800 point deal better than it intended to be along with Avalanche and Ghost Town.

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